Blue highlight: Vocab word

Green Highlight: Definition

Pink Highlight: Important Name

Orange highlight: Information about that person

Bold: Important information

WH1 Topic 16 #1 Study Guide

Important Names:

Desiderius Erasmus: A well-known Christian humanist who believed that Christianity should help people live better day-to-day lives, rather than save them from purgatory or hell. Wrote The Praise of Folly.

Martin Luther: German priest and professor, began Protestant Reformation.

Johann Tetzel: A monk who was allowed by the Catholic Church to sell indulgences, and told people that they could free their loved ones’ souls from purgatory by buying his indulgences.

Charles V (5): Summoned Luther to the imperial diet of the Holy Roman Empire in the city of Worms to try to change Luther’s mind.

Frederick III: The prince of Saxony. Saved Luther by sending him into hiding and protecting him when he returned to Wittenberg. Had 5,000+ relics.

Important Vocab:

Christian Humanism: A movement mainly based on making changes in the Catholic Church.

Salvation: The state of being saved through faith alone or through faith and good works

Indulgence: A release from all or part of punishment for sin by the Catholic Church, reducing time in purgatory after death

The Gospel: The first four books of the New Testament in the Christian Bible

Imperial diet: Legislative assembly

Peace of Augsburg: An agreement that made an end to the religious warfare in Germany, officializing the divide of Catholicism and Lutheranism, making it so a state’s ruler could choose which one they wanted.

Excommunication: To officially exclude from the Church

Justification by faith alone: Martin Luther’s belief that you could get salvation through only faith.

Gospel: The last four scriptures of the New Testament, part of the Bible or smth

Lutheranism: The branch of Christianity that Luther created. It got rid of most religious ceremonies, and took the Bible as the only true religious text.

Graft: To abuse one’s political power for their own purposes, eg. to advance their careers & personal wealth

The Praise of Folly: A book criticizing the religious state that people are in and praises a simpler life.

Venerate: Regard with great respect; revere. Venerating a relic is basically praying to that relic, and thinking about how that relic interacted with holy figures in the past.

Papacy: The office or authority of the Pope.

Modern Devotion movement: A religious movement that focused less on the Church and more on Jesus.

Valid: Well-grounded or justifiable

Fundamental: Basic or essential

External: Outward or observable


Prelude to Reformation

Christian Humanism

Need for Reform

Martin Luther

The Ninety–Five Theses

A Break With the Church

The Rise of Lutheranism

Political Impact of the German Reformation

