WH1 Topic 4 #1 Vocab Quiz Study Guide

Blue highlight: Vocab word

Green Highlight: Definition


Pagan: Mostly used to describe someone worshiping a different religion/ holding different religious beliefs than the current largely worshiped religion in the area

Cultural diffusion: Culture spreading/ being adapted through parts of the world thru the people traveling, talking, trading, etc

Textile: A type of woven cloth/fabric OR the other definition I saw: finished cloth, fully processed wool or cotton

Medieval world: The middle ages

Muslim: A follower of the religion Islam

Catholic: A follower of the religion catholicism

Buddhist: Follower of the religion buddhism

Slander: SPOKEN lies used to hurt somebody's reputation

Libel: WRITTEN lies used to hurt somebody's reputation

Socratic paradox: "What I do not know I do not think I know "

Sophists: Teachers who charged their services and in ancient greece the old ppl feared they were teaching the youth to be wild

Dialectic method: Discourse (argument/discussion) between 2 or more ppl about holding different povs about a topic and wish to establish the truth through reasoned argumentation

Socratic method: Argumentative form of dialogue between some people, mainly based on questions and pointing out flaws in the other's argument

Hypothesis: A proposed possible answer to a question OR in philosophy terms, "a proposition made as a basis for reasoning, without any assumption of its truth"

Plato's Theory of Forms: Reality is unavailable to those who completely rely on their senses, every object we can see/touch is only a mimic of a form. Reality can be also available through accessing reason not just senses.

Allegory: A form of storytelling

Allegory of the cave: An allegory used as symbolic representation of how human beings can only see part of the world and there is theoretically a greater reality we can only access through reason. Read more here!

Renaissance man/person/woman: Someone who is skilled in many areas/disciplines, usually involve athletics

Rhetorics: Effective/persuasive speaking or writing, especially the use of figures of speech and other composition techniques, basically public speaking. Includes Ethos, Pathos, and Logos.

Geocentric model: A model that places the earth in the center of the solar system

Heliocentric model: A model that places the sun in the center of the solar system

Manuscripts: Handmade books of the middle ages

Illuminated manuscripts: Basically the same thing as above but w/ artistic decor

Scroll: A roll of parchment paper, scribes usually write on these scrolls, they tend to not preserve well

Codex (if plural, codices): Medieval manuscripts, basically like a modern book with a cover and spine.

Theology: The study of religion and god or smth

Scholasticism: Philosophical system that tried to reconcile faith w/ reason, & show that faith was in harmony with reason

Metaphysics: the branch of philosophy that deals with the first principles of things, including abstract concepts such as being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space. OR the more easier to remember definition and as stated in slideshow: Distinction between matter and form

Original 7 Liberal Arts: Grammar, Rhetoric, Logic, Music, Geometry, Arithmetic, and Astronomy.

Toledo school: School in Spain where people would work together to preserve texts.

Ethics: A code of conduct for living (what's right or wrong)