Blue highlight: Vocab word

Green Highlight: Definition

WH1 Topic 4 #4 Vocab Quiz Study Guide


Mordant: substance which helps dye adhere to cloth

Caste System: class system in India determined by birth, where one is born into a certain position or job, which is very difficult to change.

Other Stuff:

India's cloth/cotton industry:

India never had its own Scientific Revolution. A few potential reasons:

  1. Lack of education system such as that in Europe
  2. Financial constraints
  3. Aversion to change
  4. Caste System - class system in India determined by birth where you were born into a certain position or job, which was very difficult to change


The most common plants used for producing dyes were Indigo, Madder, Turmeric, and Safflower.

The technique for dying cloth included:

  1. Soak the cloth in dung [helps fix mordant (substance which helps dye adhere to cloth)]
  2. Wash & bleach cloth
  3. Soak cloth in oil & alkali (softens cloth & removes dirt)
  4. Steep cloth in dye solution, and then in mordant solution

What eventually happened to India's textile industry:



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